Emerald Agritech is the website of RI Emerald Farms - a division of RI Emerald Trading Corp. Farmers, Breeders, Commodity Traders and Biotechnology operation visioned and operated by an effervescent family of six brothers.
The vision is a re-ignition and reenactment of a childhood enterprise ran by the brothers beginning in 1970s when Felix was thirteen. The brood set up a chicken farm in dad’s homestead, from the proceeds of small game hunting anchored around Felix who was the family hunter, fisher and jack of all trades. The farm raised broiler chickens for the festivals and later went big time into commercial egg production. Then, Emma (Ehi) was the record keeper, Doctor Joseph (Ota) was in charge of operations, while Engineer Ekho managed the feeding program. It was the happiest time in their lives, seeing little downy creatures mushroom into table sized birds and later egg production machines.
Our Focus.
In the fullness of time, the brothers nostalgically have agreed to reenact their childhood passion by creating an enterprise to power the next generation. Centered around an integrated hog farm in St John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, the brothers aim to broaden quickly into farmed fish and livestock and plant breeding using the tools of biotech.
The farm produces fruits and vegetables in continuous streams using their greenhouse and hoop-houses.
In the spring of 2025, the project will add a stream of farmed fish in the aquaculture segment with a production target of 3,500 tons which will be processed by gutting, packaging and freezing either whole round fish or in fillet form.
Vision Statement.
RI Emerald Farms’ mission is to firmly re-position the province of Newfoundland & Labrador to retake her place in the map of hog producing provinces in Canada.
Short Term Goals.
- To produce an assortment of fresh vegetables and vegetable fruits beginning in 2024.
- To produce 3,500 tons of farmed fish in 2026.
- To create at least 28 direct job openings by the year 2026.
- To start land remediation on a pilot scale and gradually turn the major provincial limiting factor of scarcity fertile non-craggy land around by demonstrating that terraforming on a farm scale is possible.
- To build a foundation stock of breeding sows and boars for a self-sustaining hog production business that shall serve as a pilot for new hog farms in the province.
Long Term Goals.
- To expand the farm by quadrupling initial year output by the year 2027.
- To start the production of high value farmed fish like King Sole and other flat fish by the year 2027.
- To start the foundation for a plant and animal breeding and biotechnology laboratory to expand the ecological reach of currently crops and livestock such as coffee, maize, fish, grapes and research and disseminate better farm techniques.
- To help in any way in slowing climate change through better low-carbon farm practices and disseminating same to the developing countries using the pilot farm in Jamaica as the dissemination point..