It's a Vision of Six.

Emerald Agritech is the website of Emerald Greens and Farms NL - a division of RI Emerald Trading Corp. Farmers, Breeders, Commodity Traders and Biotechnology operations, visioned and operated by an effervescent family of six brothers. The vision is a re-ignition and reenactment of a childhood enterprise.

It's a Vision of Six.

Emerald Agritech is the website of RI Emerald Farms - a division of RI Emerald Trading Corp. Farmers, Breeders, Commodity Traders and Biotechnology operations, visioned and operated by an effervescent family of six brothers. The vision is a re-ignition and reenactment of a childhood enterprise.

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The Team.

Ehi Asemota

Mechanical Engineer

Ota Asemota

Medical Practitioner

Ekhor Asemota

IT Practitioner

Felix Asemota

Research Economist